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Nigeria At 53: The Foolish Vs The Patriotic

Our leaders have explicitly failed the nation...this I know
YOU! Yes YOU have failed the nation implicitly and/or explicitly...I know that too
The result? What we have now as Nigerians.
We are all part of the rot in one way or another...

But the question is...what is next?

The foolish take the easy route and hate the Nation.
They see Nigeria as a failed project;
Blame the rot on every other person but themselves;
Talk incessantly about how bad things have become;
Shout about how our Senators and Representatives waste our money
Yet secretly nurse the intent of being members of the National Assembly...
...Not to change things, but to take their share of the "National cake"...
Their ideology is simple: Nigeria is dead, let's bury her....
And today...
They would be the ones with litanies of Nigeria's woes
And not a word of encouragement or prayer.

The Patriotic take the more difficult route.
They acknowledge that things have gone wrong;
They acknowledge that Nigeria is like a death trap at the moment;
They acknowledge that we could have done better...
They understand that Nigeria is blessed;
They understand that Nigerians have failed to utilise what Nigeria has to offer;
They understand that they are partly to blame;
They understand that if they do their bit...
If everybody does his bit...
Nigeria would get better.
They love the Country, everything notwithstanding.
Their ideology is simple: Nigeria is dying, let's resuscitate her.
And today...
They would be the ones that would wish her well...
And pledge to do their bit to make her better.

So my brother; my sister...who are you? A fool or a patriot?

Today isn't Democracy day...
So I'm not goina cry about how undemocratic our government is...

Not today!
Today isn't "Government of Nigeria's day"...
So I'm not goina let their monumental failure deter me...

Not today!
Today isn't about the Thieves...
And it isn't about the Chiefs...

Today is about NIGERIA...
So I shall celebrate and 
I shall wish her well!

God bless Nigeria. Happy 53rd to an Endowed Country!!

The Oracle Has Spoken!!
PS: Click here for a poem the Oracle did last year for Nigeria.


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