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The Vision About A Wolf Leading A Herd Of Elephants

If this isn't a vision; then I wonder what is! It happened suddenly just as I was eating my Eba and Egusi soup...I felt a gentle breeze hit my entire being...and in some form of levitation; I left my house with a ball of Eba still in my palm! Kai! The travails of being a Chief Priest...I just hope this doesn't happen on a lovely night with my wife.
In about 5 minutes I was soaring, without wings, held by an invisible hand, above a large expanse of land filled with different groups of animals; each group with its own ilk; everything seemed at peace.
Suddenly there was commotion...On looking closely; I discovered that a herd of elephants were at the heart of the unrest. I became interested in finding out the root cause of it all. It was then I noticed that the 'outgoing' leader of the herd wanted to crown a 'Wolf' his successor against the will and culture of the elephants. There was a lot of agitation, and this drew the attention of other animal groups to the herd of elephants...eventually though, the Wolf was crowned new leader of the elephants. Surprising!
Peace seemed to return after a while; but it wasn't long before the Wolf took the war to the former herd leader...this caused further problems and I saw a pack of wolves joining forces to assist their brother-Wolf who leads the elephants...The Wolf succeeded in shutting up the ex herd leader.
Almost immediately, the Wolf started showing his gross incompetence in handling the affairs of the elephants...while the elephants wanted and craved greener grazing pastures; the Wolf was busy looking for carcasses and hunting down weaker animals. It was an obvious mismatch doomed from the onset but the Wolf was not bothered because he was aware of the unflinching support his main family (the Pack of wolves) had for him. Due to the fact that the Wolf was not leading the herd of elephants to desired grazing spots; some died of hunger, others left the herd; those that remained were praying hard and hoping that the Wolf gets kicked-out when his first ruling window comes to an end. Alas it came! The herd of elephants was quite determined to ensure that the Wolf never returned as their leader...they were sure the Wolf's time as leader of the herd was over. But the Wolf had other plans; he beckoned on his fellow wolves and they came; rallied behind him; caused a lot of confusion in the herd and like magic! The Wolf was returned as leader. The herd of elephants and their friends knew they had flunked but they couldn’t complain because they were to blame-they allowed the pack of wolves to infiltrate and confuse them...they can only wait this one out.
The Wolf, even after having been in charge of the elephants for a while, still had no clue on how to better the lots of his subjects. His gross incompetence even surprised other wolves but due to ‘esprit de corps’, they still rallied behind him whenever he needed their help.
As all these happened, I gradually got annoyed and really wanted to stone the Wolf to death...but the hands holding me up in the skies wouldn't let me get I kept folding by ball of Eba...waiting for an opportunity to pelt him with it!
As if the Wolf hadn’t done enough, he announced that all the animals from other groups, who graze in the elephants’ domain, would be driven off! This caused serious commotion across the animal kingdom because the elephants also graze outside their own domain. The elephants were obviously ashamed that with their huge size and undisputed might, a lowly Wolf has put them through pains and distress. They voiced their disapproval of the Wolf's decision...but unlike before; they lacked strength and vigor; probably because the Wolf had beaten them severally in the past; there was no use fighting again.
Other groups of animals were making the loudest noise...they threatened the Wolf that should their type be stopped from grazing in the elephants’ domain; the elephants would be stopped from grazing in their own domain...but what does the Wolf care? He does not graze...he is a scavenger and a predator. At this point I was shaking with red hot anger that I threw my ball of Eba at the Wolf and I heard a loud thud...then I saw myself back in my room, with my ball of Eba sticking to the wall before me! Vision over!
I then began to wonder...what was this all about? Why has the Great 9ja's oracle decided to show me such an annoying thing? What have I to do with animals? Why do the antics of this Wolf remind me of a certain Theodore Ahamefule Orji? Just then the Oracle spoke...

  • Yes! The herd of elephants represents a state in Nigeria and the Wolf an incompetent leader.
  • The incompetent leader, though hated by the masses, have succeeded in sticking to power with the   help of a pack of wolves...this Pack of wolves represent a political party made up of incompetent and wicked beings.
  • The incompetent leader has recently decided to stop other animals from grazing in the elephants' domain...this means that there is a plan to sack non-indigenes of the state from the civil/public service sector.
  • If this happens, there would be a ripple effect of it on the animal kingdom which represents the country called Nigeria.

       The Questions

       Ask the Wolf why he came up with such an appalling idea; is it:
  • Another sign of the obvious incompetence and lack of direction which have riddled his tenure from the word go? If he says yes; tell him that the animal kingdom already knows how incompetent he is and does not need another sign.
  • That he is competing with the FG and GEJ with regards to who has the more absurd idea? If he says yes; tell him that he is, most definitely, the winner.
  • Want of cheap publicity? If he says yes; tell him that he is already notorious and that this latest saga would not fetch him as much publicity as the furore surrounding his becoming leader of the herd of was even said he visited a shrine other than my own shrine.
  • Sheer wickedness and insensitivity to the feelings of the animals that would be affected by this plan of his? If he says yes; tell him that his clinging on to power even when he knows that the elephants are dying of want is an act of wickedness enough.
  • All of the above? If he says yes...Wahala dey o!
        The Oracle's Verdict (Calling A Spade A Spade)

  • Since majority of non-indigenes working in Abia state are Igbos; sacking them might trigger the sacking of Abians in Imo, Enugu, Anambra and Ebonyi states.
  • This plan would definitely have a devastating impact on the already weakened unity existing amongst Igbos.
  • This could also make Igbos victims of such sacks in other tribes...and they would be helpless, after all, the idea and its execution originated from the Igbo tribe.
  • It is unconstitutional and negates true is a dent to national unity.

          The Advice 

  • The Wolf appears extremely unreasonable and stubborn; do not waste your time trying to make him see reasons.
  •  The affected persons should seek legal redress...if not for anything; let the court put a stay on the sack or ‘back-load’ until it is proven to be constitutionally right.

The Oracle Has Spoken!!


  1. Kudos once more to the Oracle and His chief diviner for this revelation! More grease to your elbow. I would like the Oracle and His Diviner to understand that the Wolf is not seeking for cheap popularity, rather he is fulfilling the words of our national bible (the constitution) which accepts federal character as a norm and seeks to prevent persons from other fiefdoms from achieving whatsoever aspirations they desire and deserve in other fiefdoms. Imagine an Imo state citizen contesting for the governorship of Akwa Ibom State..or perhaps attempting to oversee the civil service in such a state or vice versa..Impossicant!(Sic) and this is irrespective of whether he was born in Akwa Ibom state or had spent his entire live in that state or even paid taxes as every other law abiding citizen of the state in question. What Mr. Incompetence is trying to do in Orji's own state is to give verve to the constitutional defect-that every citizen is accorded a state based on his state of origin and not place of birth or residence-and I can't see why not! Instead of crying over spilled milk-that is if there is any left to be spilled-we should be clamouring for a drastic overhaul of the Nigerian constitution through a medium such as the Sovereign National Conference.. as what we have presently cannot be described by such appellation..Maka Chukwu!

  2. Hmmmm, Banks! That's a very nice point you have there BUT Section 42, subsections 1,2 and 3 of our constitution negate the action taken by the Wolf. Yeah, Nigerians have continuously flaunted this rule and gone scot-free but that doesn't make it right, and I believe the Wolf has taken it a note's about time we said no to such 'unofficially legalised illegal acts'...


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